IMPORTANT: If you are being harassed by another member of the site or you suspect or fear another member of the site will do any type of harm to you, please call your state’s emergency agency or 911.
You may report a member or a post to Pink Filters under the following offense categories:
-Harassment (harassment or bullying behavior)
-Inappropriate (contains mature or sensitive content)
-Misinformation (contains misleading or false information)
-Offensive (contains abusive or derogatory content)
-Suspicious (contains spam, fake content, potential malware)
-Other (you may enter a reason)
How we handle reported posts
Posts (including but not limited to content such as images, videos, documents, and polls) will be removed at the sole discretion of Pink Filters. If Pink Filters receives a report and after reviewing the post, determines that the post will remain on the site, the decision cannot be appealed. If you do not wish to see a post that you deem offensive, you may block the member who posted it.
IMPORTANT: If you are being harassed in a post or a private message, please report both the post and/or private message, and the member who made the post or sent the private message.
How we handle reported members
Pink Filters takes threats seriously and we will review and remove any member who harasses or threatens another member as soon as possible. In the meantime, we urge you to call your state’s emergency agency or 911 if you are being harassed by another member of the site or you suspect or fear another member of the site will do any type of harm to you.
Purpose of reporting tool
The intended purpose of the reporting tool is for members to be able to report other members and/or their posts and content to Pink Filters. The purpose of the reporting tool is not for members to request that Pink Filters take any type of action against a member, other than removing their content or blocking them from the site. Also see How we handle reported posts and How we handle reported members above for what to expect after submitting a report.
Call 911
We recommend that you contact your state’s emergency agency or 911 if:
– you are being harassed by another member on the site; or
– you suspect or fear another member of the site will do any type of harm to you; or
– another member has threatened to do harm to you in a comment on the site.
Tags: How to report a member, how to report a post, report harassment, I’m being harassed, what to do if someone is harassing me, reporting tool